Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Favourites from Daily Science Fiction

In August, I signed up for Daily Science Fiction to receive my daily dose of speculative fiction. With the stories ranging from flash fiction length to full-length novellas on Fridays, I have found stories to love, stories to hate and ones that got me thinking. My favorites for the year were:

#5 Beauty, Deconstructed by Adam Colston
An excellent story of humanity meeting an utterly alien mindset. I often find stories that try to capture alien intelligence annoying as I find the author often obsfucates and makes things so complex as to render the story meaningless. This story, however, I found balanced exactly the right amount of 'otherness' and relatibility.

#4 Character is What You Are by Michael R. Fletcher
This story's premise cut me to the core - in that, if companies could erase your memories of being at work to protect their intellectuel property, they would. It also set off a whole train full of thoughts from the role memory plays in responsibility to how we use our time.

#3 Now Until by Jonathan Fredrick Parks
For me, this poignant story set me meditating on the importance of hope and imagination.

#2 Ten Speeds at the End of the World by Guinevere Robin Rowell
I love stories about the end of the world and I particularly loved this one because unlike most of its fellows, it showed how the beauty of the human spirit can triumph at the end.

#1 Like Origami in Water by Damien Walters Grintalis
This story cuts close to home and yet is based on a speculative fiction premise. Absolutely magnificent and everything I look for in a short story.

1 comment:

Damien Walters said...

Thank you so much for enjoying and mentioning my story! I am very glad it resonated with you. Have a very Happy New Year!